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People and communities

Portfolio briefing to council outlines positive actions taken in Walsall community

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Plans to galvanise local communities across the Walsall to work with the Council to deliver the We Are Walsall 2040 vision will be outlined a council meeting.


A briefing from the Portfolio Holder for Resilient Communities at Walsall Council will take place in Walsall on Thursday 22 February 2024.

The briefing will highlight the successful work being done to prevent homelessness, the positive results being delivered by enforcement officers, and the progress of Walsall Connected, a community-focused initiative providing face-to-face digital support, will also be discussed.

“ We worked very hard to ensure that all communities had the opportunity to shape the future vision of the borough.

Enforcement will be fundamental to delivering on our We Are Walsall 2040 commitment to make Walsall a better place. Our range of enforcement officers continue to deliver results which improve lives, whether it be through prosecutions, closure orders or a wide range of other enforcement tools.

We have also worked hard to ensure all our residents can access council services through Walsall Connected, delivering invaluable support to those people who need it most.

Another piece of work we are very proud of is the help we offer to the homeless, we maintain a prevention rate above the national average and have brought the number of homeless people in the borough down considerably. “

Councillor Garry Perry, Portfolio Holder for Resilient Communities
Walsall Council

Across 2023, trading standards officers seized 320,000 cigarettes, 126kg of tobacco, £42,800 cash, and 10,500 illegal vapes while Community Safety CCTV officers issued 448 littering Fixed Penalty Notices, generating an income of £34,525.

The impact of Walsall Connected, a successful collaboration between Walsall Council and community partner organisations across the borough, will also be underlined. As part of the service, there are now 29 centres across the borough that, as of December 2023, have supported 13,031 customers.

The report will also highlight that the number of rough sleepers in Walsall is low and has remained in single figures throughout 2023. As of December 2023, there were three rough sleepers in the borough compared to 26 as of January 2016.

This council meeting takes place on Thursday 22 February 2024 at 6pm.

More details on accessing the meeting and the associated papers can be found on CMIS.



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