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People and communities

Operational arrangements for Monday 19 September

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A bank holiday has been declared for the day of Her Majesty The Queen’s funeral to allow the population to witness this historic event.

The Queen

Critical services, primarily those safeguarding the health, safety and wellbeing of the borough’s most vulnerable residents, will not be affected. However, as a mark of respect on this occasion, some council services will remain closed for the day or rescheduled for later in the week.

Schools will not be open.

Libraries, leisure centres, the New Art Gallery, Walsall Arena & Arts Centre and the Leather Museum will not be open.

In terms of waste and recycling services, there will be no bin collections on Monday. Although collections are made on all bank holidays apart from Christmas and New Year, Monday is an exceptional day. For residents due to have a collection on Monday, the advice is to present bins for collection and the crews will collect them as soon as possible in the following days. There may be some disruption to scheduled collections during the rest of the week and again, residents are advised to present their bins as normal. The council is contacting residents who have a bulky collection booked to reschedule the collections. The borough’s two Household Waste and Recycling Centres will not be open.

MoTs which were booked in at the Environmental Depot have all been rescheduled.

Parks will be open as normal, but the Arboretum Visitor Centre and café will not be open.

The register office will be open for the benefit of those residents who already have births, deaths and marriages appointments booked in. Cremations and burials arranged for Monday will not be affected, but bereaved families have been given the opportunity to reschedule should they wish to do so. Cemeteries will be open.

Day services at the Goscote Centre will operate a reduced service on Monday and all customers that use the service within Goscote will be contacted separately about arrangements. All private providers of day care will be contacting customers to make them aware of their local arrangements for the bank holiday.

The council will have various teams on emergency standby, for example in the event of a serious road traffic collision, fallen trees and reports of dangerous buildings and other structures.


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