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Opening hours for signing the Book of Condolence

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The Book of Condolence at Walsall Town Hall in Leicester Street, Walsall, WS1 1PT, is open to visitors until the day following the State Funeral of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

Walsall town hall

Walsall Town Hall is open between 9am and 6pm on weekdays and from 10am until 4pm at the weekend. On Monday 19 September, the Book of Condolence will be open from 12 midday until 4pm and it will remain open to visitors from 9am to 5pm on Tuesday 20 September.

An online National Book of Condolence is also available at:  Arrangements have been confirmed for a National Moment of Reflection, a one-minute silence, which is to take place at 8pm on Sunday 18 September.

Everyone is invited to take part in this National Moment of Reflection. Residents, community groups and associations may wish to organise events to bring people together for this moment of reflection, and advice and guidance on event organisation is available on the Council’s website.

On behalf of the Borough, the Mayor of Walsall will take part in the moment of reflection, in private, at Walsall Town Hall. The State Funeral of Her Majesty The Queen will take place at Westminster Abbey on Monday 19 September. The day has been designated a bank holiday and a two-minute silence will be marked at Walsall Council.

Critical services, primarily those safeguarding the health, safety and wellbeing of the Borough’s most vulnerable residents, will not be affected. However, as a mark of respect on this historic occasion, some council services will remain closed for the day or rescheduled for later in the week.

Further information is available on the Council website 


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