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Health and wellbeing

New wellbeing service for young adults launches in Walsall

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The service will mentor young adults by exploring challenges together and any issues that affect them.

A large group of people at a project launch
Staff from Bloxwich Community Partnership and Walsall Council at the launch of Positive Outcomes Project (POP)

A new health and wellbeing service for young adults aged 16-25 has launched in Walsall.

The Positive Outcomes Project (POP) launched on 24 October 2022 at Electric Palace, Bloxwich. Led by Bloxwich Community Partnership and supported by Public Health Walsall, the service will create a welcoming, accessible support network. It will mentor young adults by exploring challenges together and any issues that affect them. It will also encourage better coping mechanisms and signpost to specialist help.  

Six hubs will open in key locations across Walsall, where young adults can drop in, socialise and access necessary support. The hubs will also host positive group activities, including a life hacks group, employability skills and many more. As the hubs are being developed, a mobile hub (known as the youth bus) will visit communities as a pop-up drop-in service.

“ The Positive Outcomes Project (POP) will enable young adults to access activities and support when they need it. The service has been co-produced and designed by them, adding ownership and creativity.

Mentoring and one to one support will be on offer through the service, either face to face or virtually. This will enable a nurturing approach, with the young adult being matched with a mentor that is trained to deliver health and wellbeing support and passionate about making a difference and changing lives. “

Councillor Gary Flint
Portfolio Holder for Health and Wellbeing

“ This new service will make a difference and help support the young adults of Walsall.

The ambition is to raise aspirations and to have improved health and wellbeing by accessing our hubs and our service directory on local services. “

Dan Garbett
Youth Development and Centre Manager at Bloxwich Community Partnership

The service can be accessed via the website at, which can be used to signpost young adults to a wide range of health and wellbeing services, as well as covering a vast number of issues and details of referral pathways.

Details about POP are also on their social media channels: FacebookInstagram and Youtube


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