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New Leader for Walsall Council

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Following an extraordinary council meeting last night on Monday 3 June 2024, Walsall Council has a new Leader.

Councillor Gary Perry

Councillor Garry Perry was elected as Leader of Walsall Council, following the resignation of Councillor Mike Bird, who has been Leader since May 2018.

“ I consider this to be the privilege of my life, to serve Walsall, its residents, and the employees of this council in the capacity as your leader. I am a Walsall boy, born and bred, and I’ve been an elected member now for 27 years. During that time, I have held various positions on the council, including Mayor of Walsall in 2011, which was another honour.

“I take my duties very seriously. More importantly, I am very much focused on people and place. Living and working in Walsall, I understand all the pressures and challenges that face residents as they go about their everyday business. So, whether you choose to live in Walsall, or whether you work or go to school or college here, or run a business in the borough, I understand what those pressures can feel like.

“I’m looking forward to meeting residents and working with council staff, our partner organisations, and local businesses as we work together to transform Walsall for the better. Over the next few weeks, I’ll be explaining more about my plans for the borough and using one phrase in particular - ‘from 24 to 40’. This relates to our long-term vision for the future of borough called ‘We Are Walsall 2040’. That vision needs to be realised. And it starts today.

Councillor Garry Perry, the Leader of Walsall Council

Notes to editors


Biography - Councillor Garry Perry

Garry Perry has been a lifelong resident of Walsall, having been born at Walsall Manor Hospital in 1976. His deep connection to the community began at a young age. At just 14, Garry became involved in local groups dedicated to uniting the community, fostering pride, and finding local solutions to community issues.

One of Garry's significant contributions has been his nearly 30-year tenure as a school governor at Pelsall Village. His impact on the school is widely recognised, particularly the promotion of the ethos "every child, every chance, every day".

Elected in May 1998, Councillor Perry represents Pelsall and has served on several important committees, including the Education and Children’s Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee and the Planning Committee. His long-standing commitment to the Cabinet includes roles as Portfolio Holder for Community, Leisure, and Culture, and Portfolio Holder for Communities and Partnership. Garry served as Mayor of Walsall during the 2011-12 municipal year. Before his current role as Leader of the Council, he was the Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Resilient Communities, where he was instrumental in co-leading the borough's response to the Covid-19 pandemic. His work in this role earned him a strong reputation for building capacity within third-sector organisations and fostering integrated and inclusive communities.

Garry is passionate about local engagement and empowerment. He is dedicated to ensuring that the lived experiences of Walsall's residents continuously inform and improve service delivery. His commitment to the community is evident in his professional and personal life, always striving to make Walsall a place where everyone feels valued and heard.


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