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Local supply chain directory aims to stimulate Walsall economy

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Walsall Council is committed to supporting local business and has developed a supply chain directory to help facilitate the use of local suppliers when investment projects begin delivery.


Walsall is in the middle of a £1.5billion transformation, having attracted significant inward investment and grant funding. This investment will see the creation of over 4000 new jobs and more than 1000 new homes.

Walsall Council is committed to supporting local business and has developed a supply chain directory to help facilitate the use of local suppliers when investment projects begin delivery. The tool, available on the Council website, gathers data from a variety of sources to list Walsall-based suppliers, offering services in anything from carpentry to data installation.

Information provided by the directory is gathered from Google, Check-a-trade and other sources to provide an unbiased and full list of Walsall-based suppliers. The Council cannot guarantee the accuracy of information nor does it serve as an endorsement, but the aim is to make it as easy as possible for developers to find local suppliers to meet demands.

“ It’s important that local businesses are at the forefront to benefit from Walsall’s considerable investment and I am delighted to launch our local supply chain directory. Our hope is to encourage as many of our delivery partners as possible to source materials and services from local suppliers so that we can keep the pound in Walsall and stimulate the local economy. “

Councillor Adrian Andrew, Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Regeneration
Walsall Council

The local supply chain directory can be accessed via the Walsall Council website under ‘find a local construction supplier’: Bloxwich and Walsall Town Deal | Walsall Council

Alongside this there are a number of ways Walsall Council is supporting businesses, including Community Capital grants, Construction Skills grants and support through the business growth team. Local SMEs are also encouraged to join the new Walsall Economic Forum to help shape future plans. Walsall Council's business growth team is also available to support businesses across the borough to tackle barriers to growth, contact

More information can be found on the Walsall Council website.



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