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Health and wellbeing

Infant feeding strategy set to be endorsed by Health and Wellbeing Board

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A new strategy that aims to support all families in Walsall with their infant feeding journey is set to be endorsed by the Health and Wellbeing Board when it meets on Thursday 19 September.

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The Walsall Infant Feeding Strategy 2024-29 outlines a series of actions that will ensure families are supported in their choices for feeding their infants whether they choose to breastfeed or use formula. It also aims to improve breastfeeding rates across the borough.

The strategy aims to protect, support and promote breastfeeding and healthy infant feeding. The vision is to create a borough that is breastfeeding friendly by supporting and normalising breastfeeding, and supporting the introduction of solid foods to aid child development.

Statistics from 2020/21 for infant feeding show that only 59.1% of babies born in Walsall had a first feed of breastmilk, which is significantly below the regional rate of 68.3% and the national rate of 71.7%. 

Furthermore, around 1 in 3 babies in Walsall are still totally or partially breastfed at 6-8 weeks, which is also significantly lower than the national rate.

The council undertook a research project with Walsall mothers about their experiences of infant feeding, in which of those women surveyed 44% reported breastfeeding their child, while 29% used formula and 27% chose a mix of both (of 52 respondents). Feedback from mothers has contributed to a number of recommendations that focus on enhancing support for breastfeeding. This includes increasing public awareness about the benefits of breastfeeding, training for healthcare professionals, creating supportive environments in workplaces and public spaces and ensuring access to breastfeeding support services at the right time.

“ Walsall’s Infant Feeding Strategy indicates our commitment to improving the health and wellbeing of our youngest in the community.

“Whatever decision a family makes to feed their infants, be it breastfeeding or formula, we want to ensure they receive the best support.

“We want all our families to be able to make informed choices about how they care for their baby and who they turn to for support.

“Improving infant feeding and providing support will help us ensure that every child in Walsall has the best possible start in life.

Councillor Gary Flint, Portfolio Holder for Health and Wellbeing at Walsall Council

To read the full strategy and the papers for the Health and Wellbeing Board visit the Council’s Committee Management and Information System (CMIS) website.


Notes to editor:

•    Families can access support for infant feeding through Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust’s infant feeding service. The team is committed to enabling women to make informed choices for their baby and want all mums to feel supported and have the confidence to achieve their infant feeding goals. To contact the Infant Feeding team, call 01922 605 248 or find out more from Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust.

•    At Walsall’s Family Hubs, drop-in breastfeeding peer support groups take place at the North Family Hub in Blakenall on Fridays from 11:00am to 12:30pm. Monthly workshops on introducing solid foods also take place at the hubs across the borough. Details of these sessions are available on the Walsall Family Hubs website.

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