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The Growth Plan 2022: Investment Zones

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Walsall Council comments on the government’s Growth Plan 2022 and the benefits of potential Investment Zones.

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This morning the Chancellor of the Exchequer outlined a series of economic measures to the House of Commons including new ‘investment zones’ across the UK which may bring benefits to growth areas in the West Midlands, including the Black Country.

“ We already have overarching visions and objectives set out in the Walsall Town Centre Masterplan and the Willenhall Framework Plan and have long-planned improvement of, and investment in growth areas in Walsall and the wider region such as the Walsall to Wolverhampton corridor.

New investment, coupled with the new railway stations in Willenhall and Darlaston, will accelerate housing and economic growth opportunities and help us to deliver on our ambitions for the borough.

New investment zones would also complement the huge amount of council-led activity in the town centre including Future High Street Fund and Town Deal schemes which will transform the high street, enhance access and improve connectivity between Walsall town centre’s bus and rail stations, and make Walsall a great place to live, work and visit once more.

This is real support for our ambitions to improve the economy for local people.

We also welcome the national support for a new train station in Aldridge in today’s Growth Plan. “

Councillor Adrian Andrew
Deputy Leader of Walsall Council

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