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Green Bloxwich programme to transform Bloxwich park into destination of choice

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King George V Playing Field in Bloxwich will be transformed into Walsall North’s destination of choice under the Green Bloxwich programme.

Councillor Gary Flint, Councillor Matt Follows and Councillor Adrian Andrew reviewing plans for King George V park standing on the playing field
Councillors review the proposed plans for King George V playing field (L-R Cllr Gary Flint, Cllr Matt Follows and Cllr Adrian Andrew)

King George V Playing Field in Bloxwich will be transformed into Walsall North’s destination of choice under the Green Bloxwich programme thanks to funding secured by Walsall Council, through a successful bid to the governments Towns Fund Programme.

The programme will include bringing back into use two of the park’s heritage buildings, transforming one of them, the existing Pavilion, into a community café, with proposals for the Park Lodge under development.

 Proposals for King George V Park are being developed and currently include new equipment, a variety of sports pitches and multi-use games areas, and zones to attract and encourage wildlife. There will also be spaces suitable for holding a variety of events.

“ The improvements that we have planned for King George V Playing Field will provide people of all ages a space to socialise and spend time outdoors. This will provide a number of positive social and health benefits for people, giving residents local access to the outdoors.

The buildings in King George V Playing Field are not fit for purpose and are in need of refurbishment to make the best use of the space and the draft plans for the park are looking really good. We know from speaking to residents that the park is a valued and well used space so I am glad we are able to give it the investment that it so desperately needs

Councillor Adrian Andrew, Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Regeneration
Walsall Council

As the Green Bloxwich project develops there will be a focus on designing out crime and anti-social behaviour to create a space which attracts positive use.

Funding for this project comes from the Bloxwich Towns Fund Programme allocation of £4.5million, which includes a number of schemes to improve the Bloxwich local parks, including King George V Park, Leamore Park and the Bloxwich Memorial gardens.



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