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Children's services

Get active during Walk to School Week from 15 to 19 May

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Schools across Walsall will be invited to join this year’s nationwide Walk to School Week campaign, taking place between the 15 and 19 May.

Child and parent walking to school

The national campaign, promoted by Walsall Council’s A*STARS (Active Sustainable Travel and Road Safety) Road Safety team aims to encourage pupils and parents to use active and sustainable travel as an alternative to the car for their journey to and from school.

Children across the borough will be asked to complete a 5 day challenge and mark off each day they travel actively. 25,000 resources have been sent out to schools and some schools are using this week to hold other events to further encourage active travel.    

The campaign is being promoted as part of the borough wide A*STARS Programme which works with about 80% of primary schools in the borough. The programme encourages a series of walking, wheeling and road safety initiatives, along with training, expertise and support that is given to schools to help them to develop and promote safer, healthier lifestyle choices for all.

Travelling actively on the school run can help contribute to a reduction in school gate congestion, pollution and improve the health of children and families.

“ I encourage all Walsall children and families to actively take part in Walk to School week. Every pupil will be given the challenge to travel sustainably into school, choosing to walk, scoot, cycle or travel by wheelchair or mobility scooter meaning that everyone can participate.

I know some parents drive their children to school but they can still take part. Parking a little further away and walking to school, even if it’s just for five minutes, will help to reduce congestion and air pollution at the school gates and improves road safety, keeping the traffic off the streets and making Walsall a much safer, healthier place.

Councillor Adrian Andrew, Portfolio Holder for Regeneration
Walsall Council

“ Walking provides many benefits for both our physical wellbeing and mental wellbeing. It is also one of the easiest ways to get more active and become healthier.

Walk to School Week is a great opportunity for families and children to get into walking as a form of active and sustainable travel and make it part of a daily routine. You can do it with family, friends and your local community and I hope as many residents get involved in this initiative.

Councillor Gary Flint, Portfolio Holder for Health and Wellbeing
Walsall Council

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Notes to editors

Walsall's Walk to School Week initiative is being promoted as part of the local A*STARS program (Active Sustainable Travel and Road Safety). A*STARS is delivered in partnership with Public Health and is a series of walking, wheeling and road safety initiatives, along with training, expertise and support that is given to schools to help them to develop and promote safer, healthier lifestyle choices for all. For more information see:

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