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Gerrymet Ltd expands operations with new CNC grinder with support from Walsall Council

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Gerrymet Ltd, of Walsall, have specialised in industrial woodworking tooling since they were established in 1983 and since then it has been their aim to supply a quality range of tooling for both industrial and domestic woodworking use along with offering a sharpening service. With support from Walsall Council’s business growth team, Gerrymet Ltd secured funding through the SME competitiveness grant scheme to purchase new equipment.

Three people outside the Gerrymet Ltd factory smile at the camera
Image caption: L-R Nick Palmer, director Gerrymet Ltd, Councillor Adrian Andrew, associate leader of Walsall Council, Sharon Wood, general manager Gerrymet Ltd

The new CNC grinder will enable Gerrymet to sharpen bandsaws at a faster rate, meaning they can service more of their customer’s needs and boost productivity. The machine cost around £44k with £20,000 of the cost covered by the grant.

“ It’s great to be able to get out and see first hand how local businesses have benefitted from the support of our business growth team. Hearing about how Gerrymet has grown and increased their capability by investing in the new CNC grinder is fantastic. As part of the process of securing funding they’ve also taken on a new member of staff, creating local jobs for local people.

Supporting local businesses to increase productivity and grow is a priority of Walsall Council and will help us to keep the Walsall pound local. “

Councillor Adrian Andrew, Associate Leader
Walsall Council
Three people talking

“ Walsall council has been really supportive and we’re very grateful for the business growth team’s help in securing the funding. The new machine means we can sharpen more blades much quicker, increasing our turnover and helping us to support more and more businesses. We look forward to continuing to work with the council to help the business grow and thrive in Walsall “

Nick Palmer, Director
Gerrymet Ltd
A piece of machinery
The new CNC grinder has increased capacity for sharpening

Gerrymet Ltd has been operating since 1983 supplying a range of saws and tooling for industrial and domestic wood working. They are the only supplier of ‘green steel’ in the UK, one of only 2 in the world, reducing carbon emissions caused by traditional methods of steel production.

With the help of a £20,000 grant, the company has invested in a state-of-the-art CNC grinder, valued at £44,000. By upgrading their equipment, they are poised to meet increasing demand while maintaining the high standards their clients have come to expect.

The investment not only improves productivity but also strengthens Gerrymet Ltd's position in the marketplace as a leader in woodworking tools and services.

Walsall Council’s business growth team visits Walsall-based businesses offering support to access grant funding that they may otherwise not be aware of. Guiding business through the process and aiming to make it as easy as possible to apply, the council has successfully allocated over £469k under the SME Competitiveness Grant Scheme, supporting 13 local businesses, with a further 22 businesses applications being processed, worth a further £434k.

Gerrymet Ltd has received £20k from the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.




Notes to editors

For more information on the services offered by Walsall Council’s Business Growth team go to: Business | Walsall Council

The UK Shared Prosperity Fund is a central pillar of the UK government’s Levelling Up agenda and provides £2.6 billion of funding for local investment by March 2025. The Fund aims to improve pride in place and increase life chances across the UK investing in communities and place, supporting local business, and people and skills. For more information visit

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