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Free stay and play for Dads in Walsall this Father’s Day

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Dads in Walsall are invited to free stay and play sessions on Saturday 15 June 2024, to recognise and celebrate Father’s Day.

Dad playing lego with children

The Stay & Play sessions, specifically aimed at dads, will take place at each of the council’s four Family Hubs, from 10am until 12noon.

Fathers are invited to visit the Hubs with their children, have fun together, meet and talk with other dads, and find out more about Family Hubs in the borough.

The council launched its four locality Hubs in July 2023, all of which offer a welcoming space where families can access advice and universal support from a range of services, all under one roof.

The Hubs are set up to support families with children aged 0-19, or 0-24 for those children with special educational needs and disabilities.

Practitioners include family support practitioners, health visitors, school nurses, Early Help police officers, domestic abuse support practitioners, mental health support and substance misuse support.

The Stay & Play sessions will be held at each of the Hub locations:

  • North Family Hub - 275 Blakenall Lane, Blakenall, Walsall WS3 1HJ  
  • West Family Hub - Ilmington House, Crescent Road, Wednesbury, WS10 8AE  
  • South & Central Family Hub - Birchills Street, Walsall, WS2 8NG  
  • East Family Hub - Silver Court, Walsall, WS8 6HA

“ We want to celebrate dads in the borough, and our Stay & Play sessions are welcome to all dads looking to have some fun and enjoy some quality time with their children this Father’s Day weekend.

We know from speaking with our families that dads often feel like stay & play sessions are just for mums or fear that they might be the only dad in the room, so it’s important we have dads-only sessions, so they can enjoy quality time with their children, but also meet fellow dads navigating fatherhood.

If you can’t make it to these sessions but would like to attend, don’t worry, we host dad stay & play sessions regularly, and all sessions can be found on the Family Hubs website.

Happy Father’s Day to all of Walsall’s dads! “

Councillor Stacie Elson, Portfolio Holder for Children and Young People
Walsall Council

No booking for each of the sessions are required.

More information about the Hubs can be found on the Family Hubs website:

Parents can also follow Walsall Families in the Know on Facebook, which is used to promote the Family Hub offer and activities



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