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Former Mayor raises £29,000 for local charities

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Former Mayor of Walsall, Councillor Chris Towe, has been recognised for his dedication to serving the borough, raising an impressive £29,000 for local charities throughout his Mayoral year. 

Former Mayor of Walsall Councillor Chris Towe, with his memory book

Councillor Towe was praised at the Annual Council Meeting on Monday 20 May for his dedication to delivering his duties as Mayor in 2023/24 to serve the people of Walsall. Members also offered their tributes as he concluded his Mayoral term. 

“ I would like to thank my daughter Louisa for her role as the Mayoress. During the year, I attended 226 events and raised £29,000 for local charities within the borough. I would also like to thank Verity and Linda, without them, attending so many events simply would not have been possible.

“I would also like to thank Best of Walsall which raised £3,600 at the Grosvenor Casino and Cresswell Wanderers Football Club that raised £3,000. I will also be picking up a cheque for £1050 from Jan Davies at Community Network on Monday June 10.

“During my year as Mayor, I met hundreds of people, businesses and community organisations and had 55 visits to the Mayor’s Parlour.

“I think people really enjoy visiting the parlour, and I have really appreciated the respect both elderly and young people give to the office of the Mayor. The 12 months have flown by, it’s been absolutely brilliant, and I would like to thank you all for supporting me. “

Former Mayor of Walsall, Councillor Chris Towe

Councillor Towe’s chosen charities for his mayoral year were Well Wishers, Acorns Hospice, Walsall Community Network and the Walsall arm of Santa’s Black Country Toy Appeal. 

The former mayor was presented with a memories book which highlighted all his activities and visits during his time as Mayor. The presentation was made by the new Mayor of Walsall, Councillor Anthony Harris.  


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