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Flying the flag in Walsall to mark Armed Forces Day

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Armed Forces Day celebrations begin on Monday 19 June 2023 when the Armed Forces Day flag was raised on buildings and famous landmarks around the country. 

Image depicts Armed Forces Day 24 June 2023 with half of the Union Jack flag.
Armed Forces Day 2023 logo

In Walsall, the Armed Forces Day flag was raised in a special flag-raising ceremony at 10.30am outside the Council House. This is in the run up to and in honour of Armed Forces Day, which takes place this year on Saturday 24 June 2023. 

The Mayor of Walsall, Councillor Chris Towe, hosted the ceremony and the short service recognised and celebrated the contribution of all those who serve or have served in Her Majesty’s Armed Forces. 

In attendance was Deputy Lieutenant Sukhjinder Khera DL and guests representing a number of local organisations.

The ceremony was organised by Walsall Council and there was a military fanfare performed by a bugler followed by the raising of the flag and a minute’s silence. 

“ Flying this flag shows our continuing support and gratitude for those men and women who make up the armed forces community, from serving troops to cadets, reserves and veterans. Every year, Armed Forces Day gives us all the chance to show our gratitude for all they do, and I am delighted to host this event and pay tribute to them. “

Councillor Chris Towe
The Mayor of Walsall

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