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Transport and streets

Experimental traffic restriction in Bridge Street Walsall

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An experimental traffic restriction is being introduced between 11pm and 5am on a section of Bridge Street in Walsall town centre. Only buses, Hackney carriages and emergency services will be permitted to use the section of road between Goodall Street and Lichfield Street.

Closed tape red and white tape

An experimental traffic restriction is being introduced between 11 pm and 5 am on a section of Bridge Street in Walsall town centre. Only buses, Hackney carriages and emergency services will be permitted to use the section of road between Goodall Street and Lichfield Street.

The restriction is being introduced in an effort to make the nighttime economy safer for visitors to the town after West Midlands Police raised serious concerns about risks arising due to the nature of vehicle movements and parking.

Alternative parking is available in nearby council car parks and the council has ensured that both street lighting and CCTV coverage provide security and peace of mind for pedestrians walking to Bridge Street.


Note to Editor

Officers from Resilient Communities, Highways & Transport, Legal Services and colleagues at West Midlands Police have been working together to address a number of issues with respect to the town’s night time economy. In response to pedestrian safety concerns on Upper Bridge Street during the latter part of the evening and early hours of the morning, Walsall Council are intending to introduce a traffic restriction on Upper Bridge Street in Walsall town centre.

The Experimental Traffic Regulation Order will prohibit vehicles, except buses, pedal cycles and licenced taxis, from using the section of Bridge Street between its Goodall Street and Lichfield Street junctions. The restriction will be in operation Monday to Sunday between the hours of 2300 (11.00 pm) to 0500 (5.00 am) only. Outside of these times the road will be open for normal use.

A letter has been distributed to the taxi trade with reminder text messages also sent out. Additional awareness raising in the form of leaflets, posters and social media has also been undertaken in the weeks before the restriction comes into force.

With regards to community safety, both the highway lighting and CCTV coverage have been assessed and are such that the council is doing everything it can to maintain the safety and security of pedestrians travelling to and from Bridge Street during the hours when the traffic restrictions are in force.  

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