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Exciting draft images show how Walsall Saddlers Centre could look following redevelopment

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Walsall Council is giving a first glimpse into how the Saddlers Centre might look with the release of new draft images.

CGI showing the outside of a large building with steps leading up to the entrance
CGI image gives a glimpse of what the entrance to the Saddlers Centre might look like

Walsall is in the middle of a £1.5billion programme of investment to transform the borough and create opportunities.

Under the Walsall Towns Fund, the town centre will be revamped over the coming years and Walsall Council is giving a first glimpse into how it might look with the release of new draft images*.

CGI inside a shopping mall
A CGI showing what the walkway from the train station through to the town centre could look like

“ These draft images are a good example of the ambition that we have for the town centre and it’s great to be able to bring our residents along on this journey by sharing a glimpse into how the Saddlers Centre might look. The aim is to improve the arrival experience into Walsall and provide a connected gateway that links the railway station and bus station, making it easier and more appealing to travel into and out of the town centre. We are working with partners and stakeholders to turn these plans into reality; there is lots to look forward to. “

Councillor Adrian Andrew, Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Regeneration
Walsall Council
CGI inside a shopping mall
CGI showing how the central mall in the Saddlers Centre may look after redevelopment

“ It’s great to see the plans being brought to life in this way and it gives residents a feel for what they can expect in the coming months and years. The plans will help transform Walsall town centre, making it a place where people are proud to live, work and spend time. We know that we need to diversify our town centres away from a retail focus and these plans will enable us to focus on other uses for our town centre space. “

Melvin Glasby, Centre Manager
Saddlers Centre

The Walsall Town Centre Masterplan has provided a creative and bold re-imagining of the type of place that Walsall town centre could become.

Government investment and support from a range of influential partners is allowing Walsall Council to begin to make that vision a reality.

The plans aim to harness the imagination and creativity of Walsall people to transform the historic market town centre into a peaceful and prosperous place that empowers its residents, encourages enterprise and welcomes visitors to share in a creative and sustainable future.

Walsall has been awarded £23.5m from the government's Town Deal Fund and £750k of Accelerated Funds in addition to the Future High Streets Funding for the Conncted Gateway project transforming the Saddlers Centre, which has allowed the Council to begin work on improving the built environment. Plans include planting more trees, improving the arrival experience for public transport users and diversifying the town centre in a move away from retail focused uses.

Further information about the town centre developments will be released in due course.


*Please note these images are for illustrative purposes only and 


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