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People and communities

An evening to celebrate Walsall’s Early Help & Family Hub volunteers

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Members of the Walsall community will celebrate the hard work of the council’s Early Help and Family Hub volunteers at a celebration event next week.  

Volunteer and Child
Volunteer and child

Taking place at Walsall College Hub on 12 December, the event will thank and celebrate the work of the volunteers, and their achievements this year.

The volunteers form part of Walsall Council’s Early Help and Family Hubs offer, which supports children and families.

There are currently approximately 25 volunteers across the borough, who provide that extra bit of support families may need and are there to ensure families don’t feel alone or isolated in their struggles. Volunteers work alongside Walsall’s Early Help Partnership and Family Hubs and other partners to ensure children and young people have the best possible start in life and have ambitions and opportunities to thrive for their future.

“ It’s so important that our volunteers get the recognition they deserve for their dedication to transforming children and families lives for the better.
Walsall families need our support, and our volunteers play such an important role in building trust and forming relationships with families and partners, to achieve the best, positive outcomes for everyone.

Thank you to all of our amazing volunteers, your work does not go unnoticed and has such a positive impact on the lives of children and families in Walsall. “

Councillor Stacie Elson, Portfolio Holder for Children
Walsall Council

The event plans to include some talks and presentations, a short awards ceremony and some festive food and music.




Notes to editors

Family Hubs

Family Hubs are part of Walsall’s Children and Young People Strategic Alliance focusing on ‘The best start for life: a vision for the 1,001 critical days.’

Teams are co-located in four locality hubs across the borough, connecting practitioners with each other, with community resources and the families they work with to enable easier access to integrated services giving the right help at the right time.  Practitioners include Social Workers, Family Support Practitioners, Health Visitors, School Nurses, Early Help Police Officers, Domestic Abuse Support Practitioners, mental health support and substance misuse support.

You can visit the Family Hub website at Walsall Family Hubs


Walsall Families in the Know on Facebook is also used to promote the Family Hub offer and activities 

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