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Councillor Mike Bird re-elected as the Leader of Walsall Council

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Walsall Council’s new Cabinet has been unveiled

Civic centre

Councillor Mike Bird has been reappointed as Leader of Walsall Council and has confirmed the new Cabinet following the Annual Council Meeting on Wednesday 24 May 2023.

The Cabinet is made up of 10 Councillors including the Leader, Deputy Leaders and nine portfolio holders who take the lead on a range of issues.

Councillor Mike Bird is the Leader of Walsall Council.

Councillor Adrian Andrew is Deputy Leader and the Portfolio Holder for Regeneration.

Councillor Garry Perry is Deputy Leader and the Portfolio Holder for Resilient Communities.

Councillor Mark Statham is Portfolio Holder for Education and Skills.

Councillor Keir Pedley is Portfolio Holder for Adult Social Care.

Councillor Kerry Murphy is Portfolio Holder for Street Pride.

Councillor Stacie Elson is Portfolio Holder for Children

Councillor Gaz Ali is Portfolio Holder for Customer

Councillor Ken Ferguson is Portfolio Holder for Internal Services.

Councillor Gary Flint is Portfolio Holder for Wellbeing, Leisure and Public Spaces.

“ I’m delighted to appoint such a talented group of people to continue our work to build a borough fit for the future.

We are here to serve the residents and businesses of the borough. These are challenging and exciting times, and we are committed to delivering our vision for Walsall - to have a happier, healthier population with better opportunities for all people. A future where we have safe, clean and vibrant town centres and our children have the best possible start in life

Councillor Mike Bird

All meetings of the Cabinet are livestreamed and available to view at:
Agendas and reports for the Cabinet can be viewed online at:

Notes to editors​​​​

  • Seats in 20 wards were contested at the recent local elections on Thursday 4 May 2023. The results showed no change to the make-up of the council and the Conservatives hold 37 seats, Labour hold 20 seats, and there is 1 Independent and 2 non-aligned seats.


  • On Monday 22 May 2023, Councillor Chris Towe was elected as Mayor of Walsall for 2023-24 and Councillor Anthony Harris was elected as Deputy Mayor for 2023-24.


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