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Health and wellbeing

Council marks World Suicide Day Prevention with event and strategy launch

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Local organisations, professionals and community members came together for a special event this week to mark World Suicide Prevention Day on Tuesday 10 September.

Suicide day 3
Local organisations, professionals and community members and partners at Walsall housing group(Whg) on Suicide prevention day

The event, which took place at whg (Walsall Housing Group) focused on this year’s theme of ‘Start the Conversation’, encouraging individuals, communities and organisations to engage in open and honest discussions about mental health and suicide. 

Attendees had the opportunity to hear from a range of speakers about wellbeing offers, suicide prevention training and existing work taking place across the Black Country.

The event also saw the launch of the updated Walsall Multi-Agency Suicide Prevention Strategy 2024-29. It will see a broad approach taken to improve the mental health and wellbeing of Walsall residents, with the ambition of partners being to individually and collectively reduce self-harm and prevent all deaths by suicide in Walsall, offering hope, support and recovery to those experiencing mental distress. 

Attendees also contributed to an action plan which will help the strategy be delivered. This was based on several themes such as awareness raising, early interventions, training and improving data and intelligence. 

“ World Suicide Prevention Day is an opportunity to start the conversation about mental health and suicide. Every chat, no matter how small, builds a more supportive and understanding society. This week’s event is another step in working towards suicide prevention which is only possible with the involvement and support of a range of organisations as well as our communities.

The event also saw the launch of the updated Walsall Multi-Agency Suicide Prevention Strategy 2024-2029, which marks the continuation of significant steps forward in our collective efforts to prevent suicide and promote mental wellbeing in our community.

We know that suicide can affect anyone in our communities, and we want to ensure everyone gets the help they need. If you have any worries or are concerned for someone else, please reach out to somebody. There are a number of support services available locally and nationally including NHS 111 (select option 2) and Samaritans. In the event of an emergency please dial 999. We are here to help. “

Councillor Gary Flint, Portfolio Holder for Health and Wellbeing at Walsall Council

NHS 111 has introduced a mental health option for urgent mental health support. This will be option two. 

To access the service call 111 and select option two. 

Please note that if you would prefer to text this service, you can contact 07860 025 281.

You can also reach out to:


Notes to editor:

World Suicide Prevention Day takes place every 10 September, which aims to raise awareness and change the narrative on suicide. For more information, visit the International Association for Suicide Prevention website

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