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People and communities

Council backs #ChangeTheStory

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Walsall Council is backing the 16 days of activism following this year’s White Ribbon Day on Saturday 25 November 2023.

white ribbon day

The theme for this year’s campaign is #ChangeTheStory around the issue of violence against women and girls.

“ According to the National Centre for Domestic Violence, one in four women will experience some form of domestic abuse in their lifetime, highlighting the need for education and reform.
We want every woman and girl in Walsall to feel comfortable and safe here and it is important that we all work together to prevent and tackle this issue. We know that not all men are violent, but violence experienced by women is mostly perpetrated by men. All men can help #ChangeTheStory and it’s vital that as many men as possible become aware of this campaign and take a stand against gender-based violence. Everyone needs to challenge long-established and harmful attitudes and behaviours, so women are able to live their lives free from the fear of violence.

Councillor Garry Perry
Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Resilient Communities at Walsall Council

White Ribbon Day and the 16 Days of Activism, is an annual international campaign that calls for increased prevention of violence against women and girls. It’s an opportunity for people to show their support for the prevention and elimination of violence against women and girls.

Across the borough, various events and activities are taking place from 25 November to 10 December 2023 to support the campaign, including a park run at Walsall Arboretum and workshops and awareness-raising drop-in sessions.

For more information and a full list of activities, visit:


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