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Transport and streets

Connected Bentley Phase Two launches in Walsall

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The improved cycling and walking facilities link with other existing cycling routes on Queen Elizabeth Avenue and Churchill Road in Bentley.

Councillor Adrian Andrew and Adam Tranter at a newly opened cycle lane on Wolverhampton Road West Bentley.
Councillor Adrian Andrew, Deputy Leader and Adam Tranter, Cycling and Walking Commissioner at the Connected Bentley Phase Two scheme on Wolverhampton Road West

A new scheme to improve cycling and walking facilities has launched in Bentley, Walsall. 

The Connected Bentley Phase Two scheme on Wolverhampton Road West aims to extend the new pedestrian and cycle route across M6 Junction 10, linking in with other existing cycling routes in Queen Elizabeth Avenue and Churchill Road, developed as part of the Connecting Bentley Phase One scheme.   

Key improvements delivered as part of the Phase Two scheme include widening the existing footpath along Wolverhampton Road West to provide a segregated cycle facility; upgrading pedestrian crossing facilities at traffic signal junctions; installing a new pedestrian crossing on Churchill Road and enhancing street lighting, with the aim of improving safety for cyclists and pedestrians in the local area.  

Connected Bentley Phase Two was funded by Active Travel Tranche 2 (ATF T2) funding. The West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) were successful in bidding for £13 million of ATF T2 funding, to spend on Active Travel schemes across the West Midlands. Walsall Council was allocated over £1 million of ATF T2 funding from the West Midlands pot to spend on the Connecting Bentley Phase Two scheme. 

“ Connected Bentley Phase Two is another key development that will permanently improve cycling and walking infrastructure in local communities. Cycling and walking are ways of ‘Active Travel’ and we hope the Bentley community will benefit from these improvements by using the new route. “

Councillor Adrian Andrew
Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Regeneration

“ It’s great to see Walsall’s first blue route come to fruition as we work together to give people more low-cost transport choices in the West Midlands. It’s important to see dedicated space for cycling, new crossings and integration with existing cycle routes and School Streets – making it easier for people to get around by foot or by bike. “

Adam Tranter
West Midlands Cycling and Walking Commissioner

The Connecting Bentley II scheme is now fully constructed and open for public use. 


Notes to editor: 

  • In 2020, Central Government announced that £175 million of Active Travel Tranche 2 (ATF T2) funding would be made available to permanently improve cycling and walking infrastructure in local communities. The West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) were successful in bidding for £13 million of ATF T2 funding, to spend on Active Travel schemes across the West Midlands. 

  • Walsall Council was allocated over £1 million from the West Midlands funding pot to spend on Connecting Bentley Phase Two and School Streets Development. 

  • The School Streets Development scheme involved the expansion of Walsall Council’s initial School Streets trials, which had already taken place at five educational establishments in Walsall, using Emergency Active Travel Tranche 1 (EATF T1) funding. Measures on the selected School Streets involved road closures at certain times of the school day, to make it safer for pupils to walk and cycle to school. 

  • The scheme links in with the major junction improvements taking place at M6 Junction 10 (in partnership with National Highways). 

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