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Children's services

‘Children First’ Summit takes place to shape the future for our new generation

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Walsall’s Children and Young People Strategic Alliance met on Friday 23 June with a range of partners and stakeholders to plan for future generations.

partner organisations at alliance event

The theme of the ‘Children First’ summit, which took place at Walsall Town Hall was, ‘Children today will be adults in 2040’ with the aim of creating a strategic plan to make a real difference for a new generation of children.

“ The first influential years of life, a child’s education and a sense of belonging helps to shape resilient communities for our children. This summit has been an excellent opportunity for leaders and decision makers in the borough to influence and shape an ambitious strategic plan which will help us to improve outcomes for children and young people growing up in Walsall. The valuable insight gained today from discussions and scenario planning will be vital in the planning to contribute to improving the lives of children and young people and inform the Alliance’s upcoming Children and Young People Strategy.

Councillor Stacie Elson
Portfolio Holder for Children’s Services

“ It was my genuine privilege to give the opening address and then work through the day with a wide cross-section of partners from Walsall Borough, all committed to improve the experience and futures of the young people here. We wrestled with some huge issues and are also committed, as the work goes forward, to give young people a voice and some real influence in shaping that future. In our borough, we are fortunate to have a diverse and vibrant community, filled with young individuals who possess immense potential. They are the architects of tomorrow, the dreamers, and the catalysts of change. I firmly believe that our young people hold the key to a brighter, more prosperous future for Walsall. The future is not just a distant concept; it is being shaped by the young minds of today. It’s our role to help them. “

Chief Superintendent. Phil Dolby
West Midlands Police

In attendance were a range of representatives who are in a leadership role and whose work is connected to lives of children and young people. This included family hubs, public health, children’s services, education, Walsall NHS Foundation trust, West Midlands Violence Reduction partnership, Aaina Community Hub, University of Wolverhampton, housing, voluntary and community sector, faith sector and business.

The outcome and subsequent Children and Young people strategy will feed into a much wider strategy for the borough – ‘We are Walsall 2040”. After an extensive public consultation, including children and young people, partners in Walsall have set an ambitious vision for where we want to be by 2040. The “We are Walsall 2040 Strategy” seeks to make Walsall a vibrant place where people are proud to live and residents in all neighbourhoods have the same life chances. Once created, the success of the Children and Young Peoples Strategy will be monitored to ensure that it is effective in helping to create a safe, healthy borough that is full of opportunity for children and young people as we move towards 2040.  


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