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Children's services

Celebrating our Early help Volunteers

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Walsall Council's Children's Services team is proud to celebrate the success of their recent Volunteers' Week events, held from June 3 to 6, 2024.

Early help volunteers
Art and Craft session with the Early Help volunteers

These events which took place across the four locality Family Hubs in Walsall, offered a central location for volunteers to be celebrated, and for local families to visit the hubs and see what services they offer under one roof.

The aim of the events was to showcase the incredible skills and dedication of Walsall's Early Help volunteers, while also expressing gratitude for their invaluable contributions.

“ It was truly inspiring to see our Early Help volunteers come together during Volunteers' Week. Their compassion, commitment, and experience are a tremendous asset to Walsall families. We are incredibly grateful for their service and will continue to support their vital work.
Our volunteers have an incredibly high satisfaction rating with the families they help, with their average rating being 4.81 out of 5 stars. This just shows our volunteers have such positive impacts upon local people. “

Isabel Vanderheeren, Director of Early Help, Walsall Right for Children and Partnerships
Walsall Council

The events provided volunteers with the opportunity to invite friends, family, Early Help partners, and the public to learn more about their roles and the services they offer.

With 44 Volunteers across multi-diverse genders and ethnicity, Walsall's Early Help volunteers play a crucial role in supporting families with children aged 0-19, and even up to 24 for those with special educational needs and disabilities.

The Family Hubs feature practitioners including family support specialists, health visitors, school nurses, early help police officers, and support personnel for domestic abuse, mental health, and substance misuse.

One Early Help volunteer said, "I had a wonderful time at the event. It was a fun and uplifting experience, especially after a few difficult weeks. The creative activities were therapeutic, and I enjoyed meeting new people and connecting with other local parents about our volunteer work."

Walsall Council remains committed to recognizing and supporting the outstanding efforts of its Early Help volunteers. Their dedication strengthens families and empowers children within the community.






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