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Celebrating the achievements of our care leavers - Care Leavers Week – 24 to 31 October 2022

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Walsall Council is supporting National Care Leavers Week which this year runs from 24 to 31 October 2022.

Group of 6 teenagers standing outdoors embracing

Care Leavers Week is an opportunity to celebrate the achievements of young people in the Borough who were previously in the care of the local authority and have now transitioned to independence.

The theme for this year’s awareness week is ‘End the care cliff’. Walsall Council continues to care and support young people as they become adults and wants to ensure that no young person feels that they do not have the support they need once they leave care.

The council provides a Transition and Leaving Care Hub, which is place where care leavers can go for a chat and to access additional support and advice. This may include help with developing independent living skills, talk though options and opportunity or just to pop in for a hot meal and a chat. As part of the support offer from the council, care leavers are exempt from paying council tax and also have access to council-owned leisure facilities.

“ Care Leavers Week is a great opportunity to celebrate the achievements of our young people in the borough. I am proud of what they have achieved despite some of the challenges and adversity they may have faced. As a council we place great importance on our responsibility to our young people, especially those in our care, helping them to reach their goals and aspirations.

I am proud to share that 18 of the care leavers in the borough are currently studying at university for a variety of qualifications ranging from fine art to criminology. To support them in their journey, the council provides them with an additional bursary to meet accommodations costs during the summer.

We continue to value and listen to our care leavers’ views and experience and use this to shape and develop support going forward. I look forward to meeting and hearing their experiences during the events this week. “

Councillor Wilson, Portfolio Holder for Childrens Services
Walsall Council

A number of awareness raising and celebratory events are taking place during the week which includes a ‘Football championship cup’ in which Walsall care leavers will be up against teams from Telford & Wrekin, Coventry and Wolverhampton. Sally Rowe, Director of Children’s Services will be presenting awards following the match.

On 26 October, councillors and officers from Walsall Council will be meeting with care leavers to talk about their experiences and feedback to help shape and develop the support offered. Care leavers have also been invited to a festival event on Friday 28 October to showcase and celebrate the achievements of our young people.

To find out more about support for Walsall’s Care Leavers click here.

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