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Health and wellbeing

Call for Walsall parents to get children vaccinated as new term begins

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With the new school term beginning this week and the start of a new year, Walsall families are being advised to check their children are up to date with vaccinations, including measles and flu.

Image depicts a boy under a table. Text: if we're not vaccinated we're not protected.

Childhood infections like measles and flu can have a big impact on a child’s life. They can miss out on school due to time spent unwell, or in hospital, and they may even experience life-long complications and disability. 

It is important that vaccines are given on time for the best protection. The MMR vaccine protects against measles, mumps and rubella. It is given in two doses: one at 1 years of age and then at 3 years and 4 months. However, it is not too late to catch up.

Public Health Walsall is calling on parents to check their child’s Red Book to see if they have missed any vaccines or check with their GP if they are unsure. 

Parents and carers should also check that their child has had the flu vaccine. A flu catch-up clinic will take place on Saturday 11 January 2025 between 9am and 2pm at the West Family Hub, Darlaston for any school children (currently in Reception to Year 11) who missed their flu vaccine at school.

Children aged 2-3 years and those aged 6 months to 17 years with a long-term health condition can get a flu vaccine at their GP. 

“ With the start of the new year and a new school term, I urge all Walsall families to prioritise children's health by ensuring they are up to date with their vaccinations. Illnesses like measles and flu can make your child very unwell, with some needing hospital treatment. Vaccinations provide the best protection for you and your loved ones, and it is never too late to catch up. Contact your GP to catch up on any missed doses, if you’re unsure if your child is fully vaccinated, or to ask any questions you may have. For children who are at school who have missed their flu jab, you can attend a catch up clinic.”

I also encourage any eligible adults to check they are up to date with their winter vaccinations such as flu and COVID-19 and RSV, as this will protect them from becoming seriously unwell as we continue to experience winter pressures across the system. “

Councillor Gary Flint, Portfolio Holder for Health and Wellbeing
Walsall Council

Eligible adults who are at higher risk of flu can get a flu vaccine at their GP, local pharmacy or by visiting a pop-up vaccination clinic where they live. COVID-19 vaccinations are only available at pop-up clinics without an appointment.

RSV vaccines are available for pregnant women and people aged 75 to 79. Contact your GP for more information. 


Notes to editor:

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