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Health and wellbeing

Call for residents to get support for their recovery journey

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With International Recovery Day on Monday 30 September, marking the end of Recovery Month, Walsall residents are being encouraged to seek support to help with their journey of recovery from alcohol and drugs, either for themselves or family and friends. 

Image depicts three people from The Beacon - Change Grow Live promoting SMART Recovery.
Steve (SMART Recovery facilitator) and service users Laura and Angela shared their experiences during Recovery Month.

The Beacon, provided by Change Grow Live and commissioned by Walsall Council’s Public Health team, offers a range of specialist treatment services to individuals struggling with drug and alcohol addiction, including SMART Recovery which offers a judgment-free approach to recovery, providing individuals with a structured path to overcome addiction. 

The council has worked with The Beacon at Change Grow Live to share inspiring stories of residents who have successfully overcome challenges and achieved lasting recovery. This included Laura, whose story is proof that with the right tools and support, recovery is possible. She is now supporting the facilitation of the SMART Recovery group.

“ Substance misuse is a serious issue, but recovery is possible, and it is important for individuals to make the first step on that journey of change.

Recovery is for Everyone: Every Person, Every Family, Every Community. SMART Recovery provides valuable tools for individuals to determine whether they have a problem, builds up their motivation to change and offers a set of proven techniques to support recovery. It also helps individuals be part of a community.

If you or someone you know needs support, please do reach out to The Beacon. We’re here to help you every step of the way. “

Councillor Gary Flint, Portfolio Holder for Health and Wellbeing
Walsall Council

“ SMART Recovery has seen over 200 service users in Walsall to date. It’s important that we all talk about our journeys and recoveries in a safe environment, as well as our experiences. For people like Laura, community has played a big part in her recovery journey and has been able to change her life around with the right tools and support.

Whatever you may be going through, please don’t be afraid to access the support that is available. We can guide and support you through the process. Recovery is possible and it begins with you and the change you want to make in your life. “

Anne Brunozzi, Service Manager
The Beacon - Change Grow Live

For more information about SMART Recovery and the services offered by The Beacon, please contact or call 01922 669840.

You can watch the videos below from Steve, SMART Recovery facilitator and Laura’s and Angela's story.

Steve -

Laura -

Angela - 


Notes to editor:

  • The council has an Alcohol and Drugs Strategy (2023-28), summarising how they and partner organisations plan to approach substance misuse and its wider impacts in Walsall. The strategy can be found on the Walsall Intelligence website.
  • Change Grow Live (CGL) offer free and confidential advice to help you to cut down or stop drinking or taking drugs. They can also give you the advice to help you stay safe and healthy. They are based at St. Matthew’s Quarter in Walsall town centre. 
  • Support includes:
    • structured drug treatment intervention programmes with a keyworker and shared-care services based at GP surgeries
    • criminal justice interventions
    • specialist needle exchange
    • blood borne virus screening and vaccination
    • harm reduction interventions
    • access to mutual aid services, for example Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Family Anonymous, SMART Recovery
  • Residents can refer themselves or professionals can refer clients to the service online at: Under 18s should be referred.
  • YMCA The Glebe Centre also provide support for service users in Walsall who are rough sleepers, homeless, insecurely housed, drug users and alcohol users. To find out more visit: 

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