Brand new look for Walsall Town Centre revealed in latest plans
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As part of Walsall borough’s £1.5billion programme of transformation, a portion of funding has been secured to improve Walsall Town Centre.

A series of works are planned that will create a more attractive, greener and more open and inviting space around Gallery Square and Park Street, and the plans have now been revealed.
“ The plans for Walsall Town Centre look great and are much needed. We’ve worked with consultants and architects to create a plan that will open up Park Street, introduce more greenery and create a more inviting and attractive space.
We hope that a more accessible, attractive town centre will drive footfall and create more opportunities for leisure and business. “
The scheme will deliver an inviting, engaging and quality public space around the northern end of Park Street and its link to Gallery Square. This will provide a stronger connection between the High Street, The New Art Gallery, Canal Basin and local restaurant and entertainment facilities.
The project will help to change the experience people have when visiting Walsall Town Centre. The physical and visual links will encourage more use of the Waterfront and its facilities and put The New Art Gallery at its heart.
In partnership with Canal & River Trust, the canal basin will be improved for town centre users and canal boaters. New and improved facilities will encourage boaters to visit and extend their stays around the Canal Basin, creating a vibrant and active waterfront for casual visitors, shoppers and gallery visitors.
The scheme is funded through the Government's Town Deal.
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