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Book of Condolence and Proclamation arrangements

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Arrangements following the death of Her Majesty the Queen.

Tribute to the Queen

Arrangements are currently underway following the sad news of the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

As a mark of respect, the flag outside the Council House has been lowered to half-mast.

On behalf of the Borough, the Mayor of Walsall, Councillor Rose Martin signed the Book of Condolence this morning. The Borough’s Book of Condolence is open at Walsall Town Hall, Leicester Street, Walsall, for residents to pay their respects.

It will remain open between 9am and 6pm every weekday and between 10am and 4pm at weekends. On Sunday 11 September, the book will be open from 1.30pm to 4pm.

A link to the online National Book of Condolence is available on the Walsall Council website.

If any resident requires assistance in accessing the online Book of Condolence, they can visit one of our seven libraries across the borough and our Walsall Connected staff will be pleased to assist. 

Anyone who wishes to lay flowers is encouraged to do so in an area set aside for floral tributes outside the Civic Centre, Darwall Street in Walsall.

On Sunday 11 September, a Proclamation will be made by the Mayor of Walsall announcing the new King, His Majesty King Charles III. This will take place at 1pm outside the Council House, Lichfield Street, Walsall and members of the public are welcome to attend to hear the Proclamation.

As the Royal Household releases more information, further updates will be shared.


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