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Arrangements for floral tributes for Her Majesty The Queen

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What will happen to floral tributes left for Her Majesty the Queen in Walsall?

Mayor of Walsall with floral tributes

It has been truly lovely to see residents laying floral tributes to Her Majesty The Queen across the borough. Many have been laid outside the civic centre by people who have first visited the town hall to sign the book of condolence and many more at war memorials, places of worship and other places special to people in the area in which they live.

Sadly of course, the floral tributes will wilt and fade and will need to be removed at an appropriate time.

“ I would like residents who have expressed their sorrow at the loss of our Monarch to be reassured that we fully understand how important their floral tributes and accompanying messages are.

What we propose to do is to gather the floral tributes, keep the messages for posterity, and turn the flowers into compost which will then be used to nourish a tree, or trees, planted in honour of The Queen. Given Her Majesty’s innovative Queen’s Green Canopy campaign, this seems a fitting way to honour and cherish her memory. “

Councillor Mike Bird, Leader
Walsall Council

“ Both Walsall as a borough and ‘The Queen’s Green Canopy’ are within my remit within the West Midlands Lieutenancy and I think this proposal to incorporate the floral tributes of the people of Walsall into a permanent living tribute to Her Majesty is wonderful.”

Where floral tributes have been laid on privately maintained land, Walsall Council asks that the landowners contact the council if they wish for floral tributes to be collected. “

Deputy Lieutenant David Frost CBE

“ Planting trees may not sound like much, but I’ll point you to the Peace Tree in Blakenall, planted in 1919 following WWl. It stands there today over 100 years later and is the focus of Blakenall’s annual Remembrance event. “

Councillor Mike Bird, Leader
Walsall Council


Note to Editor

Image: John Crabtree, Lord Lieutenant and Councillor Rose Martin, Mayor of Walsall, viewing floral tributes and messages in Walsall town centre on 14 September 2022

Respectful removal of floral tributes will commence on 21 September 2022.

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