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28% of new fathers in Walsall download app to support their fatherhood journey

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Councillors will be presented a report which shows 28% of new fathers in Walsall have accessed digital support through parenting app, DadPad.

Image shows Dad Pad logo - Black text for 'Dad', yellow text for 'Pad'

DadPad is an app for new fathers and fathers-to-be and is designed to provide dads with all the knowledge, help and practical skills they need to thrive in fatherhood.

Aiming to help fathers navigate their emotions when becoming a new parent, DadPad provides resources so dads, their partner, and their baby can have the best possible start in life.

Figures from November 2023 identified that DadPad reached the equivalent of 28% of new fathers in Walsall since its September 2023 launch, through extensive partnership working led by Public Health and the NHS Health in Pregnancy team.

Members will discuss this data, and other successes featured in a Council report on Thursday 22 February 2024.

Launched in 2012, DadPad was developed with support from the NHS, and includes information on topics such as: holding your baby, how to deal with crying, sleeping, changing and how fathers can create secure and safe bonds with their babies.

“ This report shows just some great progress that has been made during the last twelve months.

It is brilliant that new fathers are engaging with the free digital support that’s available to them, and we want to spread the word further and wider to encourage more new dads in the borough to download the DadPad app to use and help them with everyday parenting queries. “

Councillor Gary Flint, Portfolio Holder for Wellbeing, Leisure and Public Spaces
Walsall Council

“ I’m really pleased to read that DadPad is well used by new dads in Walsall.

DadPad is one of many great digital resources we have on offer to parents in Walsall, and apps like DadPad are so handy as parents can access help and guidance at their fingertips, from the comfort of their own phones.

If you or someone you know is a new father, or soon-to-be one, then remind them to download the app for free today.

Councillor Stacie Elson, Portfolio Holder for Children's Services
Walsall Council

Council will take place at 6pm on Thursday 22 February 2024. You can read the report and watch the live stream of Council on Walsall Council’s committee management system:


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