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26,000 travel diaries distributed in Walsall to mark Walk to School Week

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This week (Monday 20 May – Friday 24 May 2024) is Walk to School Week.

Children walking to school

And families across the borough are being encouraged to complete a five-day travel diary, marking off each day they travel actively to or from school.

26,000 travel diaries have been sent out to schools in Walsall, which includes a daily activity for children, a weather check, and encourages children to think about the benefits walking to school can have upon them and their family.

The campaign runs alongside the council’s A*STARS (Active Sustainable Travel and Road Safety) programme, which works with over 80% of primary schools across the borough.

The programme delivers and supports a range of initiatives which encourage children and families to walk, cycle and use other forms of active travel for the school journey.

As part of the programme, schools complete an annual travel survey, with the most recent results showing schools affiliated with the A*STARS programme have 7% higher active travel results, and 6% lower car usage levels compared to the national average.

“ Walk to School Week is all about getting more families in Walsall to walk, ride, scoot, or even ‘park and stride’ to or from school.

In our busy lives, it can often feel much easier to jump in the car in a rush, but walking to school really can have positive impacts on our families physical and mental health and help reduce pollution.

We know from our residents that congested roads and traffic jams around school gates can often cause frustration, and even pose additional risks in and around the school environment.

So, for those who can, try travelling to school actively this week, and be sure to use the travel diaries we’ve distributed! “

Councillor Gary Flint, Portfolio Holder for Wellbeing, Leisure and Public Spaces
Walsall Council


Notes to editors

Walsall's Walk to School Week initiative is being promoted as part of the local A*STARS programe (Active Sustainable Travel and Road Safety).

A*STARS is delivered in partnership with Public Health and is a series of walking, wheeling and road safety initiatives, along with training, expertise and support that is given to schools to help them to develop and promote safer, healthier lifestyle choices for all.

For more information see:

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