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Adult social care charging policy consultation


Walsall Council is carrying out a consultation in relation to proposed changes to the Adult Social Care Charging Policy, which has been in place since 2017. To make it fairer, more transparent and to bring it in line with other authorities two key changes are proposed:

  1. All new Community Care clients will be charged from day 15 of commencement of care. This means everyone will start paying contributions at the same time.
  2. Fees for self-funders. Self-funders are individuals who have income and savings above £23,250. The council currently does not charge self-funders for arranging their care and support or for managing care service contracts. To cover some of the costs associated with providing this service, the council is proposing to introduce a charge for this service. Only those who fund their own care (self-funders) would be required to pay.

Due to increased demand, changes in demographics and reductions in government funding, adult social care continues to face on-going budget pressures of approximately £3.3m.

You can read about the proposals and draft policy.

Have your say

The survey has now closed.

Findings from the consultation, along with other information, will be reported to Cabinet in April 2022 where they will consider the findings as part of their decision-making process.

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