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Bostin’ Black Country Bash

When: -

Admission: Free

The Black Country flag - black and red split by a white triangular shape representing a glass cone or iron furnace, intersected by a chain.
The Black Country Flag

Bostin’ Black Country Bash is a new event for Walsall celebrating all that is good in the Black Country when it comes to food, produce and music. 

The event coincides with the 20th anniversary of the European Geopark Network, which the Black County is part of as well as the 150th anniversary of Walsall Arboretum. The Black Country became a UNESCO Global Geopark on 10 July 2020 in recognition of its internationally important geology and related natural and cultural heritage.  The network was founded as a global cooperation among special geological territories worldwide to promote the three main goals together:

  • Conserving & celebrating our special geological heritage  
  • Sharing knowledge and educating about the planet and the challenges it faces
  • Working with local communities to foster better sustainable local development. 

Full event information and timetable to be announced soon.

Music booked through Hunkypunk Promotions.