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Bonfires and burning waste

Emissions from bonfires can be frustrating for local residents and businesses in Walsall. Smoke and ash is bad for people's health, especially if they have a respiratory medical condition.

Bonfires may break the law if businesses or organisations are burning waste:

  • without the right licenses
  • that pollutes the environment and is bad for people's health
  • in a way that causes a statutory nuisance
  • that creates black smoke

You can find out more in the Environmental Protection Act 1990.

Disposing of bonfire waste

Bonfire waste should be disposed of or collected by by commercial waste professionals. Contact the clean and green team to get your commercial waste collected.

You can find more information about licensing and exemption requirements on the Environment Agency website.

Tell us about smoke problems

Contact the environmental protection team to report:

  • smoke from industrial premises that is causing a nuisance
  • black smoke

Contact the community protection team for problems with smoke coming from someone's home.

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