Parenting support
On this page
Online parenting support
As a parent, carer or grandparent you can access free online parenting programmes.
These help you to understand more about your children’s development and help you to parent in sensitive ways that support your children.
Courses are free to access. You need a Walsall postcode and the relevant access code. Access codes are on our online parenting page.
Self-help, advice and guidance
Being a parent or carer is a wonderful and rewarding experience, but it's not always easy. Babies, children and young people can test us all at times. You can contact us for further advice and guidance, and download our tip sheets:
Download list
Child's emotional wellbeingDownload PDF (530.36 KB)
Connecting families (reducing parental conflict)Download PDF (960.6 KB)
How to have funDownload PDF (423.26 KB)
RelationshipsDownload PDF (296.3 KB)
Routines and boundariesDownload PDF (588.37 KB)
Being a parentDownload PDF (292.45 KB)
Supporting your child with autismDownload PDF (277.27 KB)
Understanding your childDownload PDF (156.28 KB)
There are some websites that can help too:
Visit the Health in Pregnancy Service (Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust) website for for information on the range of support available during pregnancy, labour, birth and parenting infants. You can also book onto their courses. They can help with:
- education classes and courses to support you ahead of your baby’s arrival
- infant feeding education
- womb to the world parenting
- transition to fatherhood support
External resources:
- Birth to Five booklet contains help and support on becoming a parent, and taking care of yourself and your child
- tips for your birth father - whoever your birth partner is (the baby’s parent, a close friend, partner or a relative) there are many practical things they can do to support you
- the NHS pregnancy planner helps you to think through your pregnancy, labour and the birth of your child
The health visiting service offers a variety of programmes to support parents and carers of children 0-5 years, including:
- introduction to solids workshop
- understanding your child’s behaviour workshop
- toilet training workshop
- safe sleep workshop
- 1:1 infant feeding support sessions
- a parenting support group for parents whose children have a disability - 'Understanding Me'
Find out more about parenting support on Walsall health visiting website.
To book places on sessions call:
Health visitors team
Phone: 01922 423252
Disability health visitors team:
Phone: 01922 605800
Vulnerable children's health visitor team:
Phone: 01922 605656
We offer direct support, workshops and courses to support you as a parent/carer including:
- understanding your child’s behaviour - workshop
- understanding your child's behaviour - course
- teenage parenting
- cygnet autism
- adult resilience
- parents CHAT health - free confidential text advice and support service
Understanding your child’s behaviour - workshop
A two hour online workshop where you will gain knowledge and information around a child and young person’s behaviour along with self-help tips.
Workshops are a good place to start to access parenting support. They give you an insight to what may be having an impact on your child/rens behaviour and offer a ‘taster’ session before committing to attending future courses.
You can access the workshop via a webinar.
Understanding your child’s behaviour - course
A 10-week course, 2-hour sessions per week for parents and carers who want to know more about sensitive and effective parenting.
It helps you to develop a way of relating to your child/ren that promotes healthy child development, sensitive and reflective behaviour management.
Teenage parenting - course
There are two courses available:
- Triple P: Parenting for those with children between 5 and 11 years of age. An 8-week course, 2-hour sessions per week.
- Teen Triple P: Parenting for those with children between 12 and 16 years of age. An 8-week course, 2-hour sessions per week.
Both courses support you as a parent or carer. They focus on managing behaviour with the aim of increasing good behaviour.
Over the 8 weeks you will learn about:
- causes of children’s behaviour
- building positive relationships
- promoting desirable behaviours
- managing misbehaviour
- dealing with risky behaviour or planning for high-risk times for behaviour problems
Cygnet autism course
Cygnet parenting is a specially designed programme for parents/carers of children and young people with a diagnosis of autistic spectrum disorder (ASD). The programme can be helpful for any parent with a child with autism.
Sessions include:
- autism and diagnosis
- communication
- sensory issues
- understanding and managing behaviour
Adult resilience programme
A 5-week course, 2-hour session per week. This programme is for parents and carers who want to learn new skills to help improve confidence and building on self-esteem.
Stress, anxiety and depression are common mental health difficulties which can affect anyone at any time. Being a parent is a demanding job and at times we can all question ourselves and our abilities.
Over the 5 weeks you will learn about how to:
- develop an awareness of own feelings, mindfulness and empathy
- identify body clues when getting stressed and how to relax
- challenge negative thoughts and turn them into positive thoughts
- identify role models and build support networks
- set goals and explore solutions and coping step plans
How to book
To book a place on any of the courses above, email or phone 01922 423349 and tell us the name of the course you'd like to join.
Parents CHAT health
Do you need some advice about your child’s health or development? Do you have questions about healthy weight, emotional health, behaviour or other health topics?
Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust School Nursing Service provide a safe, secure and confidential free text advice and support service. You can contact the school nurse by text on 07520 634 909.
Your text will be answered by a qualified nurse who can offer you advice, sign post you to services that can help or arrange for you to see a school nurse in school, at a health centre or your local family centre.
Download list
Core Menu of Parenting Offers - December 2024 to March 2025Download PDF (496.43 KB)
Universal Menu of Parenting Offers - December 2024 to March 2025Download PDF (449.19 KB)
When to ask for help
You might need support to bring up your children. There are some signs that you should look out for.
Warning signs in children and young people
Ask your GP, school health or Early Help if you start to notice your child or teenager:
- getting angry easily and struggling to manage their anger
- becoming withdrawn, becoming very quiet and not talking
- looking worried or anxious
- starting to snap, shouting and yelling for no reason
- hurting themselves
- damaging things or stealing from you
- refusing to go to school, or getting into trouble with school work
- going missing at times, or truanting from school
- having problems with friendships
- starting to not following instructions, rules or pushing boundaries
- becoming overwhelmed with emotions
- not responding well to praise, or changes to their usual way of behaving
Warning signs in parents and carers
Ask for help from your GP or Early Help if you notice that you are:
- feeling overwhelmed and struggling to cope with your children’s behaviour
- finding yourself yelling a lot or saying the same thing over and over to your children
- finding you need to use threats to get children to behave
- feeling like you are giving up on parenting, or giving in a lot for some peace and quiet