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Cross Cutting Themes

Archive 2007-13 ERDF Programme Material

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To ensure that environmental respect and social equity are at the heart of the Programme activity; two cross cutting themes of environmental sustainability and equal opportunities have been adopted.

Environmental Sustainability 

All ERDF projects must consider the impact of their activity on the environment to comply with EC Environment Legislation, which seeks to ensure that projects do not have any adverse environmental effects. Some projects may require an Environmental Impact Assessment. Further information can be found via the ERDF National Handbook.

Equal Opportunities

All projects must promote equal opportunities and non discrimination on the basis of race, ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation.

Projects are appraised for their equality impact and need to demonstrate that they will break down barriers in order to reach groups and increase opportunities e.g:

  • Accessible buildings

  • Business support which is inclusive and responsive to challenges faced by protected or under-represented groups. 

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