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The Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) is responsible for commissioning co-financed ESF provision for adult skills provision, support for people in-work and who are unemployed, and a number of sector focused adult employment programmes.

All ESFA invitation to tenders will be published via the Bravo Solutions e tendering portal. Applicants must ensure that they are registered with the system.

Organisations that wish to apply to deliver ESF provision co-financed by the ESFA must be on the ESFA’s Register of Training Organisations (The Register). An organisation must have successfully completed the due diligence questions and if an organisation wants to be invited to tender when opportunities become available, it must have also successfully completed the capacity and capability questions.

For more information about the register, please follow the link: or visit the GOV.UK SFA webpage.

The following organisations have been awarded funding under the ESFA / Black Country co-financing arrangement:

  • SERCO, Skills Support for the Workforce / Response to Redundancy
  • SERCO, Support for Unemployed
  • Walsall Council, Community Grants Co-ordinating Body
  • Workpays, NEET (RONI) 

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