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The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) is the Managing Authority for the ESF Programme in England and a co-financing organisation. In 2015 DWP issued a Black Country call to commission ESF Funded projects that support the Priority Axis 1 of the Operational Programme: Inclusive Labour Markets and Investment Priority: 1.3 Sustainable integration into the labour market of young people (YEI) as set out in the Operational Programme.

The total Black Country allocation for this call was €23.0m ESF and €23.0m YEI for investment priority 1.3. At current exchange rates this was equivalent to £17.0m from ESF and £17.0m from YEI.

In 2016 the Black Country Impact Programme, led by Dudley Council in partnership with Sandwell, Walsall and City of Wolverhampton Councils and Black Country Talent Match (a project led by Wolverhampton Voluntary Sector Council) was awarded £51million to help young adults break down the barriers that may be holding them back from finding work, improving their skills or gaining qualifications. The project comprises of £17million European Social Funding, £17million Youth Employment Initiative funding, and match funding of up to £8million from the Big Lottery Fund and other partners.

To find out more information, visit Dudley's Black Country Impact Webpage.

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