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The ERDF Operational Programme: is the main document for setting out the strategy and priorities for use of the fund to support the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. It also contains high level information on how the fund will be delivered, managed and evaluated. Click here.

The Black Country ESIF Strategy: Outlines ESIF consultation, evidences need and key areas for intervention. Click here.

The Black Country Strategic Economic Plan (SEP): Drafted concurrently with the Black Country ESIF Strategy, the SEP makes the case for a Black Country Growth Deal to accelerate growth  in high value manufacturing and, specifically, the aerospace, automotive and building technology sectors. Click here.

The West Midlands Combined Authority Strategic Economic Plan(SEP): This strategic economic plan (SEP) sets out the vision, objectives, strategy and actions to improve the quality of life for everyone who lives and works in the West Midlands. It has been developed and agreed by a wide partnership of people, organisations and businesses who share a pride in, and ambition for, an area with unique assets, challenges and opportunities. Visit the WMCA website for more information.

The West Midlands Combined Authority Environmental Strategy 2014-19: Think Global: Act Local, West Midland Combined Authority’s Environmental Strategy (2014 – 2019) provides strategic direction for the environmental improvements we seek to implement and also serves to communicate to staff, partners and external stakeholders our commitment to reduce our impact on the environment. Click here

West Midlands Industrial Strategy  This is the consultation document for the West Midlands Local Industrial Strategy.  This
consultation document and the ideas in it have been developed by the three LEPs and Combined Authority working together with our Local Authorities, universities, colleges, business sectors, representative groups and independent academics, voluntary, community and stakeholder groups.  Click here

Applying to the ERDF

ESIF Funding Finder. View webpage on GOV.UK.

ESIF Full Application Form, Guidance and Financial documents. View webpage on GOV.UK.

ERDF Privacy Notice. View webpage on GOV.UK.

The following programme guidance is available on the GOV.UK website:
•Application forms
•Eligibility Rules
•Selection Criteria for the ERDF and ESF Programmes
•Scoring Framework for the ERDF

Delivering ERDF
The following programme guidance is available on the GOV.UK website:
•Eligibility Rules
•Procurement Law
•State Aid Law
•Branding and Publicity Requirements
•Output Indicator Definitions
•Example funding agreements

ERDF logo’s, press release and poster templates. Visit webpage on GOV.UK.

Beneficiary List July 2018 Click here.

The ERDF grant funding agreement places a requirement on all grant recipients to undertake a summative assessment. The summative assessments are intended to provide insights into project performance to enhance their implementation, reliable evidence of their efficiency, effectiveness and value for money, as well as insights into what and why interventions work (or not) and lessons for the future. BCTA commissioned an independent assessment of the Black Country ERDF Technical Assistance Project 2016-2019 and you can find the report here BCTA ERDF Summative Assessment Final Report

*** Please check the GOV.UK website regularly to ensure you are accessing the most up to date guidance documentation.

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