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The Black Country Technical Assistance Team supports the effective delivery and promotion of the 2014 to 2020 European Structural and Investment Funds Programme in the Black Country. The Team is hosted by Walsall Council (the Accountable Body), reports to the four Black Country Local Authorities, and works peripatetically across the sub-region.

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Working closely with MHCLG (as Managing Authority) the ERDF Team provides technical advisory support to Black Country applicants to enable the design and development of ERDF compliant projects during the outline stage of the business process model.  The Team facilitates wide-ranging access to the Programme through stakeholder engagement, capacity building, and publicity resulting in the improved visibility of ERDF funding in the sub-region.

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The ESF Team works closely with DWP (as Managing Authority) the Skills Funding Agency and Big Lottery Fund as Co-Financing Organisations, to deliver a range of co-ordinated services to increase awareness, capacity and engagement of Black Country organisations in opportunities presented by the ESF Programme. The Team provides targeted third sector support to build VCS capacity to respond to commissioning activity, and works alongside local authorities, higher education and providers, to ensure that local disadvantaged people receive the maximum possible benefit from ESF monies.

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