Community safety survey 2025
About the Safer Walsall Partnership (SWP)
The SWP brings together a range of partners to reduce crime and the fear of crime across the borough. It includes:
- West Midlands Police
- Walsall Council
- West Midlands Fire and Rescue Service
- Probation
- The Integrated Care Board
- housing providers
The SWP assesses the level of crime and disorder and agrees on a strategy and plan to reduce it.
How we’re going to set our priorities
We are currently preparing the Community Safety Strategy for 2025 – 2028. We would like to hear your views about community safety in Walsall. This will help us to set out our priorities for the next three years and include the voice of our communities.
This questionnaire is anonymous. The details you provide will only be used for analysis and to inform the development of the Community Safety Strategy.
Take part in the survey
The survey is open until 23 March 2025.
You can complete it online to have your say about:
- living in your local area
- your experience of crime
- tackling crime
- communication preferences
If you need this information in an alternative format (such as easy read, large text, audio, or a community language) please contact us. We will work with you to meet your needs.
Contact information
Before contacting us, please check to see if we can answer your question from our online information.
Connect to a BSL interpreter
Available on demand Monday to Friday between 9am and 4:30pm