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Apply to transfer to a different primary school

You can apply online for a midyear admission to most Walsall schools. Others process their own admissions.

Schools you need to apply to direct

If your school is in the list below, you won't be able to use our application portal. You'll need to contact the school direct for an application form instead.

​​​​​​​You can find full contact details in the Walsall schools directory.

  • Bloxwich Academy
  • Caldmore Primary Academy
  • Cooper and Jordan CE Primary
  • Jubilee Academy Mossley
  • New Invention Learning Academy
  • North Walsall Primary Academy
  • Park Hall Infant Academy
  • Park Hall Junior Academy
  • Reedswood Primary Academy
  • Ryders Hayes Primary School
  • St Anne’s Catholic Primary School
  • St Francis Catholic Primary School
  • St Mary of the Angels Catholic Primary School
  • St Patrick’s Catholic Primary School
  • St Thomas of Canterbury Catholic Primary School
  • Woods Bank Academy

Applications to all other schools

If your school is not in the list above, you can apply online.

When to apply

You can apply for the academic year 2024/25 between 2 September 2024 and 29 June 2025, from 8am to 9.30pm.

We will try to offer a place to everyone who applies before 29 June 2025. The last day we will make offers is 11 July 2025. After this, all midyear applications will be closed. If you have not received an offer by this date, we advise you to submit a new midyear application when the new school year starts from 1 September 2025.

How to apply

You’ll need to submit an online application and any supplementary forms for relevant schools. Please provide as much information as you can.  

You can find further information about admissions criteria and fair access protocol in our policies.

If your child has a statement of special educational needs (SEN) or an Education Health and Care (EHC) plan, you should contact Walsall Council’s SEND team or the local authority that issued their statement or plan.

Find out more about making an online application.

When you’ll receive a decision

We aim to process your application within ten school days of receiving it. We’ll send you an email within 15 school days with our decision. Contact us if you haven’t heard from us within this time.

We will try to offer your child a place at one of your preferred schools in preference order.

If we can’t, we will give your child a place at the nearest suitable school with places. We will aim to meet the statutory home to school distance requirements:

  • 2 miles for children under 8 years old
  • 3 miles for children over 8 years old

If you don’t want to accept the offer

If you receive an offer that you're not happy with, you can appeal against the decision.

You can choose to stay on the waiting list for a place at one of your preferred schools, but you must take up the place has been offered for your child.

If your child does not have a school place, they will become a child missing education (CME). You can contact the CME team for advice and support.