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Who is responsible for drains and sewers?

If you've got a problem with a blocked drain or flooding, you'll need to know who is responsible for fixing it. This changes depending on the location of the drain or sewer.

Drains on roads or footpaths (gullies)

We are responsible for maintaining gullies on roads and footpaths (also called the public highway).

If you spot a drainage problem, or there's flooding on a road or footpath, you can report it online.

We aim to clean up to 95% of all gullies every 12 months. You can find out when we last cleaned the drains near you by checking our gulley cleansing records.

Gullies on private roads, parking areas or land are the responsibility of the land owner. We do not clean them.

Drains on your property or land

Inside your property boundary

You are responsible for the repair and maintenance of the drains inside the boundary of your property, up to the point they connect with the public sewer.

You will have to arrange and pay for any repair work that you need. We do not have a responsibility to carry out clearance or repairs, but we do have the right to enforce this.

If you have a problem with a Walsall Housing Group (WHG) property, you should contact them.

Homes built after 2011

If your home was built after 2011, you’re also responsible for sewage pipes that are shared with another property within your boundary.

Homes built before 2011

Severn Trent are responsible for sewage pipes that are shared with another property within your boundary if your home was built before 2011. You can check responsibilities on Severn Trent's website and report a problem to them.

Outside your property boundary

Severn Trent Water are responsible for sewage pipes outside your property boundary.

You can report a problem with a sewer on the Severn Trent website.

Drainage on your land (riparian owners)

You are a riparian owner if you own land or property with a watercourse that:

  • runs on or under your land
  • is on the boundary of your land, up to its centre

The deeds for your property or land will tell you if this is not the case. As a riparian owner, you have certain rights and responsibilities. You can find out more on

If a flooding problem on your land threatens other land, let us know. We can find out who owns it and take appropriate action. 

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Drainage on motorways and trunk roads

National Highways are responsible for drainage on motorways and trunk roads (M6 and A5).

Public sewers

Most of Walsall’s highway drainage is connected to public sewers. They carry both foul and surface water. These sewers are owned and maintained by Severn Trent Water.

You can report a problem with a sewer on the Severn Trent website.


We inspect and clean out all watercourses every year. We also carry out maintenance if there's a problem. You can contact us to report a problem with a watercourse, and we will aim to respond within 24 hours.

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