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Do you need any additional equipment or support to help you to carry out your duties? This could be:
- a piece of software to help you read documents on your PC if you have a visual impairment
- an adapted chair if you suffer from pain in a standard office chair
- support in undertaking your tasks from a support worker
- a combination of equipment and support
How to apply
You can apply online via the Access to Work website. Your employer cannot do this for you, you have to do it yourself.
It is advisable that you do this within your first 6 weeks of employment. You can apply for it before your placement starts, as long as you have a start date.
Next steps
Access to Work will arrange an assessment of your workspace – you should let your line manager know when this is happening.
Following the assessment, you will receive a declaration document. You should sign it and send back to Access to Work, as well as a copy of your report and a breakdown of any equipment/support that is recommended for you and where this can be ordered from.
The recruitment team can order this equipment for you – please contact us and we will help you.
Once ordered, the equipment will be delivered to your workplace at an agreed time and date.