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User and carer involvement

If you use our services, you can get involved in their planning and monitoring. Whether you are a service user, a relative or a carer, we want you to be at the heart of decision making.

How to influence your care

We want to help you find the best possible way to meet your individual needs. We will involve you in decisions about health and social care by using:

  • postal questionnaires
  • telephone questionnaires
  • group meetings
  • one to one interviews

You do not have to take part, but if you do it helps us to improve the service.

Your experience is valuable and we may ask you to get involved in:

  • interviewing for new staff
  • planning what happens in a particular centre
  • assisting with staff training
  • joining groups looking at specific problems

Your help will make sure we provide you with the best possible services.

Get involved if you're a carer

Walsall Carers Centre ensures that you can raise your issues as a carer. The centre co-ordinates many of the support groups in Walsall. The support groups are run by carers for carers, and allow for the open expression of views.

Visit the Walsall Carers Centre website or find support for carers.

Get involved if you use mental health services

Walsall Carers Support Group enables you to influence mental health services.

Get involved if you're an older person

The Walsall Over 50s Forum works with local and national government departments, local council and voluntary groups. They aim to improve public services. Sometimes they assist with the introduction of new services to enhance the lives of people over 50.

Get involved if you have a learning disability

Learning disability services are committed to involving service users and carers. Opportunities for involvement include:

  • membership of users and carers on the partnership board
  • planned annual carer events
  • planned annual user events
  • self advocacy groups on partnership boards and advisory groups
  • consultation on specifications
  • person centred planning

Walsall Empowerment Service or Walsall Carers Support Group can tell you more about how to involved.

Get involved if you have a physical or sensory disability

The Physical and Sensory Disability Partnership Board aims to represent the views of people with disabilities. The board allow for representatives to be involved in strategic planning.

Walsall Service Users Empowerment (SUE)
Unit 1
Talisman House
47 Bath Street
Walsall WS1 3BX

Telephone/Fax: 01922 644983

How will I know I have made a difference?

The key to successful involvement is to show how services have improved as a result of your input. We will feedback to you regularly to tell you how your comments have helped to shape services.

Contact adult social care here.

What happens if things go wrong?

We want to know if you’re not satisfied with the services you receive from us. This helps us to find out how we can improve services.

View our complaints procedure.

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