Social value in the procurement process
We recognise the important role we can play in enabling social value through our procurement activity.
We’re committed to working with partners and suppliers to benefit Walsall residents, communities, and businesses. We do this by including economic, environmental, and social sustainability in our processes, as required by the Public Services (Social Value) Act 2012.
Policy objectives
We strive to go beyond the Act’s requirements and include social value in our commissioning and procurement activities whenever possible.
Our goal is to realise meaningful social value benefits from our suppliers, following these policy objectives:
- Ensuring that all applicable contracts demonstrate the addition of real Social Value (where relevant and proportionate to do so)
- Promoting equity and fairness by targeting effort towards those in the greatest need or facing the greatest disadvantage
- Promoting the local economy, so that micro, small and medium sized enterprises and the voluntary and community sector in Walsall can thrive.
- Creating and/or promoting local employment, training and inclusive economic sustainability by tackling unemployment in general and targeted to disadvantaged groups
- Raising the living standards and prosperity of local residents by living wage employment, maximise employee access to entitlements and guidance and encourage suppliers to source local labour
- Ensuring ethical sourcing by promoting fair trade and fair pricing policies, tackling modern slavery, child labour, corruption and similar social issues
- Promoting environmental sustainability by reducing wastage and climate impacts, limiting energy consumption, improving and procuring materials from renewable and sustainable sources.
- Building the capacity and sustainability of the voluntary and community sector by accessing and actively supporting local voluntary, community groups and co-operatives.